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Welcome to the patient association HIV-Danmark.

When you have HIV, you can feel very alone. For some, meeting other people living with HIV can be helpful and sharing experiences.

On this page, you will find, among other things, information and knowledge about HIV, network groups, and partners.

We hope that it can help you get a quick overview of our and our partners' offers to you, regardless of whether you yourself are HIV-positive, relatives, or otherwise affected by HIV.

Latest News

Here you can find news about HIV, as well as a number of publications / pamphlets that HIV-Denmark has published.

March 25, 2022 • News Article

Who is recommended for Covid19 vaccination?

It is the infectious disease departments in the individual regions that must set their patients up for vaccination...

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January 1, 2021 • News Article

HIV and coronavirus

There is no evidence that people living with HIV are more prone to corona infection than others. However...

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April 1, 2020 • News Article

Free vaccine against pneumonia

Should people living with HIV be vaccinated against pneumonia?

If you are older and/or also have other diagnoses, this may be a good idea....

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Stay Updated

Learn About HIV

Our organisation pays full attention to the latest updates and the newest standards, when it comes to HIV.

Listen to Podcasts

  • Ukrainemøde august 2024
    Ukrainemøde august 2024
    Fri, Aug 30
    Aug 30, 2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
    Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Aug 30, 2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
    Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Hiv-Danmark er patientforening for mennesker, der lever med hiv i Danmark. Vi ved, at det kan være svært at leve med hiv, og har derfor forskellige små grupper af hiv-positive der mødes med jævne mellemrum. Vi vil også gerne støtte hiv-positive ukrainske flygtninge, der er kommet til Danmark.

Our Events

Living a good life

with HIV

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