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HIV-Denmark Annual Meeting 2021

Updated: Aug 15, 2022

Hiv-Danmark will hold its annual meeting on 18 September at 13.00. The meeting will be held at Positivgruppen, Tesdorpfsvej 23 in Frederiksberg.

Convening and agenda follow.

All members can run for the board. Candidates can send a short description of themselves to the secretariat at Bent Hansen no later than 20 August at Then we send it out along with the call. It is also possible to register as a candidate at the annual meeting itself.

You can register for the annual meeting by writing to

Chairman does not re-elect - Vice-Chairman resigns

Chairman of HIV-Denmark Helge Kvam will not run again for the Board of Directors at the annual meeting in September. At the same time, Deputy Chairman Michael Ovesen wishes to resign from the Board of Directors.

"I must admit that I can not make the work of the chairmanship associated with a full-time job. It has been a difficult decision, but I have to deal with an increasing feeling of stress over always feeling backwards, no matter how much I work, ”says Helge Kvam.

Work pressure is also the reason why Deputy Chairman Michael Ovesen wants to resign from the board.

“I have just started a new job that requires a lot of my time. At the same time, I have a family that does not think it sees me enough, ”says Michael Ovesen.

In a joint statement, the outgoing chairman and deputy chairman say: “We would like to thank all members of HIV-Denmark for the trust and support you have shown us. We have done our best to live up to it. HIV-Denmark is an important association with a lot of fantastic people. We believe that HIV-Denmark has developed in a positive direction in recent years. We are needed. Therefore, we would like to encourage everyone who might want to run for the board and help bring the association forward. We look forward to discussing the future of HIV-Denmark with you at the annual meeting ”.

Other material

  • Accounts 2020

  • Minutes of the constituent board meeting on 13.10.20

  • Board of Directors' report 2019-2020

  • Accounts 2018

  • HIV-Denmark financial statement 2018

  • HIV-Denmark audit report 2018

  • Budget 2018

After the annual meeting

  • Minutes of the annual meeting 2021

  • Minutes of the 2020 annual meeting

  • Minutes of the 2019 annual meeting

  • Minutes of the 2018 annual meeting

  • Articles of Association

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